An Unreal Process Has Crashed Ue4-fortnite Game Mac

Feb 16, 2015  Before totally jumping ship, we wanted to check it out to make sure we could produce the same level of game we have been working on for Mac, Windows and Linux (no interest in IOS or Android). Games like bejeweled for mac download. We both have done our development till now on Mac Pros, a 2010 and a 2012, lots of memory, multiple Xeons, latest OS (10.10).

An Unreal Process Has Crashed Ue4-fortnite Game Mac

This AnwserHub is dedicated to UE4 not Fortnite, but since this is quite common issue that UE4 users have i can explain what it means


This means either you GPU driver crashed or if you use laptop the system is attempting to switch to built in Intel GPU to save power, which is very common for Intel+NVidia laptop setups.. and UE4 don't like that. Either way something wen't wrong with GPU itself or it's driver.

You need to check your power settings, set them to high performance, also keep laptop connected to AC is in most cases laptop is less like want to save power. Finally go google information on your laptop how to prevent GPU switching and keep laptop running on high performance GPU.

An Unreal Process Has Crashed Ue4-fortnite Game Mac Download

Also if this is GPU driver crash then, update the drivers. If this not help then contact Fortnite support.. Majona game for mac. which is thing you should do in first place ;p :

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An Unreal Process Has Crashed Ue4-fortnite Game Mac Download

Thats all thet typical outside Fortnite UE4 developer can deduce from that crash and you probably won't get much more help with that issue here
