Imagine Lifetimes Game Mac Download

A game like Imagine Lifetimes that’s available for Mac. A game like Imagine Lifetimes that’s available for Mac. No, not a Mac version of the actual game. A game similar. Here’s a video of it’s gameplay but I haven’t watched too much of it yet myself. But so far it looks like something I’d play I guess. Imagine Lifetimes - Early Edition update 1.1.1 is now available Imagine Lifetimes - Deadly Edition release date: 25th of September, 2020 You can now wishlist the game on Steam, or follow it here on itch! Imagine Lifetimes is a satirical simulation game about the meaning of life.

Imagine Lifetimes Game Mac Download 2017


Free Game Mac Downloads

Imagine Lifetimes Game Mac Download

Imagine Lifetimes Game

Dear IndieDB,
It's here! The 'Imagine Lifetimes - Early Edition' is now available on GameJolt. This early access version of the game is downloadable for free and the released content it contains will remain free forever.
Download link: Imagine Lifetimes - Early Edition
Come check it out and let me know what you think? Follow the game's page to stay up to date on the development of new and additional content as we work our way towards the 'Deadly Edition'.
For now, here's a quick overview of what to expect from this existential life-sim;
Do you have any questions, feedback, ideas, thoughts, bug reports or just want to strike up a conversation? Send me a message on GameJolt or send me an e-mail at:

I used to love going to the computer lab with my class each week, just so we could play The Oregon Trail on those Old School Apple computers. Oregon trail game for mac. Each of us were so enthralled by the game, it was the only time that an instructor didn't have to tell us to be quiet. Kids today (Millenials) will never understand how fun and educational The Oregon Trail was for our generation.